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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Seven Strategies for Highly Effective New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Eve is just around the corner.  It’s likely that at least one person will ask you what your resolutions are for the year ahead. Whether you like to make them or not, research has found that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions. Yet as you know, it’s not so easy to keep your resolve as life returns to normal and your old habits of mind and action start testing your resolve and pulling you away from the new ones you resolved to create.
Change is difficult, yet as hard as it is, everyone has the ability to make and keep meaningful changes in their life, regardless of their age, or how well worn their habitual ways of engaging in the world.
Indeed there’s a science to success when it comes to achieving goals and making life changes – whether on January 1st or any other time of year.   On the link below are 7 strategies to help you make the changes you want in the year ahead – including making the right resolutions to begin with. I hope you will read it, but more so, I hope you will apply them so that 2013 will truly be the best year of your life. Not because everything will go as you want, but because you be firmly at the helm of your own life – living by design rather than by default.
7 Strategies for Highly Effective New Year Resolutions. 
1.   Know Your Why.  For a resolution to stick, it has to be aligned with your core values. We all want to  look better or get richer, but your resolutions have to go beyond superficial desires and connect with what truly matters most to you. In other words, you have to “Know your why” and feel truly passionate about the goals you set for yourself. If you don’t, then when the going gets tough or your alarm goes off at 5:30am, you won’t have the resolve to stick to your plan.  Connect your resolutions to those things that give you a deeper sense of purpose and align with your core values. When your resolutions connect to a deeper sense of purpose, it compels you not to think small or play safe, but to dig deep and stay the course when the going gets tough – no matter how many hurdles.
2. Be Specific.   Resolutions to ‘eat better, get fitter, be happier, relax more or have better life balance’ are doomed for failure because they lack specificity. The more specific you are, the more likely you will be able to succeed.   Describe your goals and resolutions in ways that allow you to track your progress and measure your success. For instance, if you want to build a better relationship with your partner, schedule at least one date night per month, or, as I’ve done with my husband, one weekend away – sans  kids – per year. Likewise if you’re committed to a better health and exercise regime, schedule how many workouts you’ll fit into each week.
3. Don’t Just Think It, Ink it!  A Stanford University study found that when people wrote down their goal, it increased the probability of them achieving it by over 70%.   But don’t just write down the specific goal, write down how you will feel when you’ve accomplished it.  When you have finished penning your desires, jot down on sticky pads the words that inspire you most about your goal and put them around your home/office to remind you of why you are committed to doing what it takes to bring your goal into reality.
4. Design Your Environment.  Never underestimate the power of your environment to support or sabotage your success.  Design your environment so that it’s hard NOT to do what you resolved.  Create a progress chart, recruit a cheer squad among your family and friends, find someone to hold you accountable, hire a trainer, join a group, create a blog.  Likewise, if there are people or things in your life that pull you down or off track, address them directly and set whatever boundaries you know you will need up front.
5. Narrow Your Efforts.  Trying to do too many things at once can make you so unfocused that you just bounce around like Tigger on Red Bull, not quite sure which direction you are going. Set yourself up for success and start with JUST ONE MAJOR UNDERTAKING come January 1st.   Then break that goal down into small bite size steps.  Small steps, strong start!
6. Focus On The Process.  It’s easy to get caught up in an initial wave of enthusiasm, only to come crashing down when your initial efforts don’t produce immediate and amazing results. So focus on the process itself, and develop greater competence of the actual activity, habit or skill you want to acquire.  For instance, if you want to become more fit, focus on being able to jog a little bit further every time you go for a walk, rather than being able to run 5 miles within a week. PERSISTENCE ALWAYS PAYS OFF.
7.  Forgive Your Failures. Your setbacks and failures will not define your success in the year ahead or any year. HOW YOU RESPOND WILL. If you happen to mess up, lose your resolve, press the snooze button or revert to a familiar well-practiced behavior, don’t beat up on yourself. Okay, so you didn’t get to the gym like you’d planned.  How about 5 minutes of stretching?  When it comes to slipping up and tripping up, you are in good company. It happens to everyone. Just don’t let your mishaps, setbacks and failures mean more than they do.  Reflect on the lessons they hold, make adjustments accordingly, then tap your inner John Wayne and get back in the saddle. Life rewards those who work at it.

Lindsay Lohan's Most Shocking Moments of 2012

The Car Crash in Santa Monica
We’ve long-established that Lindsay Lohan is not good behind the wheel – between her DUIs and hit-and-runs – which is why the producers of “Liz & Dick” put it in her contract that she had to be driven to and from the set every day. But Lindsay being Lindsay didn’t pay the stipulation any mind and while en route to Marina Del Rey, California, to shoot on June 8, she crashed her rented Porsche into the back of an 18-wheeler … which are kind of hard to miss, no? First, Lindsay denied she was the one driving and blamed it on her assistant Gavin Doyle, who, along with witnesses, told police that wasn’t the case. Then, she claimed the brakes failed, which Porsche proved was also not true when they did special testing on their vehicle. All the lies came back to bite LiLo on December 12 when prosecutors hit her with three charges from the accident, including lying to the police. As a result, her probation was revoked and Linds will go before a judge on January 15 to learn her fate … which could be some serious jail time.
Lindsay Lohan 
The $100K Jewelry Heist
We’ve also established that Lindsay and unattended jewelry are not a good mix, but a friend of hers must have missed that memo because on August 20 during a late-night party at his Hollywood home, $100,000 worth of jewelry, sunglasses, and silverware went missing. Sam Magid immediately called police and claimed he suspected the actress and her pals, which of course she adamantly denied. But after being questioned by police, it all started coming back to Lohan: She was worried that a burglar would steal Magid’s belongings so she hid them in his home, but then she popped some Ambien so she forgot exactly where she put them. Soon enough, Magid’s things were magically returned to him and he refused to press any charges against Lindsay … but we have to assume she won't be invited back to his home any time soon. 
Lindsay Lohan 
Her $46k Chateau Marmont Bill
Lindsay has had some financial issues over the years – especially her unpaid taxes dating back to 2009 – but when her beloved Chateau Marmont slapped her with a $46,000 bill she had racked up in just two months, our jaws dropped. How could she have incurred such a debt in that time? Well, according to her 14-page bill, which was released in late August, the actress blew through the minibar, spending $3,145 on booze ($502 on July 1 alone!), $686 on cigarettes (49 packs at $14 each), $100 on a single candle, and nearly $700 on room service in just one day. Naturally, Lindsay claimed the producers of “Liz & Dick” were supposed to handle it all, which they adamantly denied. In the end, they reportedly agreed to pay the bill, but only if she did a TV interview to promote the Lifetime movie. Lindsay went along with the plan and booked a one-on-one with Barbara Walters … only to cancel on her just days before they’re scheduled chat. 
Chateau Marmont 
She Accused Her Mother of Being on Cocaine
Lindsay has always adamantly defended her mother Dina against poor parenting accusations, especially when they’ve come from her sometimes-estranged father Michael. But on October 11, she got into such a heated argument with her mom over $40,000 she gave her to save her Long Island home from foreclosure, she surprisingly called up her dad to complain and even told him Dina was high on cocaine – all which Michael got on tape … and promptly sold to the media. The very next day, Lindsay called into TMZ to admit she had lied about her mom’s drug use, saying, "Daughters have fights with their moms. It happens a lot. It's normal” – as if accusing your mother of being on drugs is ever “normal,” except maybe if you’re a Lohan.
Lindsay Lohan, Dina Lohan 
She Was Arrested for Punching a Psychic in NYC Club
The joke really just writes itself ... couldn’t the psychic foresee Lindsay was going to (allegedly) punch her during a wild night out at New York City’s Avenue nightclub on November 29? Apparently not, because that’s what happened (allegedly) after the woman, Florida resident Tiffany Mitchell, reportedly offered to give Lindsay a reading, which she refused. According to eyewitnesses, the actress then called Mitchell a “gypsy” and accused her of trying to steal her sister Aliana’s purse (which contained $10,000 in cash Lindsay gave her for their brother’s schooling), but after the handbag showed up, one of Mitchell’s friends yelled, “’Liz & Dick’ sucked!” (As if critics’ reviews weren’t bad enough!) To that, Lindsay reportedly socked Mitchell in the face and was arrested by NYPD as she tried to flee the club. A few short hours later, she was bailed out by her assistant ... who she then screamed at in front of awaiting photographers outside the jail and kicked him out of her car. But it’s far from over: Lindsay’s due back in a Manhattan court on January 7, a week before she faces another judge in Santa Monica, California. Do you think 2013 will be any less eventful for her? 
Lindsay Lohan 

AP Sources: 'Fiscal cliff' deal emerging

The moon rises behind the U.S. Capitol Dome in Washington as Congress works into the late evening, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 to resolve the stalemate over the pending "fiscal cliff." (AP Photo/J. David Ake)
WASHINGTON (AP) — Working with Congress against a midnight deadline, President Barack Obama said Monday that a deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" was in sight but not yet finalized. The emerging deal would raise tax rates on family income over $450,000 and individual income over $400,000 a year, increase the estate tax rate and extend unemployment benefits for one year.
"There are still issues left to resolve but we're hopeful Congress can get it done," Obama said at a campaign-style event at the White House. "But it's not done."
In the building New Year's Eve drama, the parties still were at an impasse over whether to put off the automatic, across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect at the beginning of the year and if so, how to pay for that.
One official said talks were focused on a two-month delay in the across-the-board cuts but negotiators had yet to agree on about $24 billion in savings from elsewhere in the budget. Democrats had asked for the cuts to be put off for one year and be offset by unspecified revenue.
The president said that whatever last-minute fixes are necessary, they must come from a blend of tax revenue and constrained spending, not just budget cuts.
Officials emphasized that negotiations were continuing and the emerging deal was not yet final. And a confident Obama, flanked by cheering middle class Americans in a White House auditorium, jabbed Congress, saying lawmakers were prone to last-minute delays.
"One thing we can count on with respect to this Congress is that if there's even one second left before you have to do what you're supposed to do, they will use that last second," he said.
Speaking shortly afterward on the Senate floor, Sen. John McCain said that "at a time of crisis, on New Year's had the president of the United States go over and have a cheerleading, ridiculing-of-Republicans exercise." The Arizona Republican lost the 2008 presidential race to Obama.
Unless an agreement is reached and approved by Congress at the start of the New Year, more than $500 billion in 2013 tax increases will take effect immediately and $109 billion in cuts will be carved from defense and domestic programs
Though the tax hikes and budget cuts would be felt gradually, economists warn that if allowed to fully take hold, their combined impact — the so-called fiscal cliff — would rekindle a recession.
The current proposal in the works would raise the tax rates on family income over $450,000 and individual income over $400,000 from 35 percent to 39.6 percent, the same level as under former President Bill Clinton. Also, estates would be taxed at 40 percent after the first $5 million for an individual and $10 million for a couple, up from 35 percent to 40 percent.
Unemployment benefits would be extended for one year. Without the extension, 2 million people would lose benefits beginning in early January.
A Republican official familiar with the plans confirmed the details described to The Associated Press.
The officials requested anonymity in order to discuss the internal negotiations.
The president said his hopes for a larger, more sweeping deal have been dashed and said that such an accommodation was not possible "with this Congress at this time."
But even with this fight not finished, Obama warned Republicans, specifically, about the battles still ahead. He said he would not accept any debt-reduction deals in the new year that rely on slashing spending without raising taxes, too. Cuts alone won't happen anymore "at least as long as I'm president, and I'm going to be president for the next four years."
Urgent talks were continuing Monday afternoon between the White House and congressional Republicans, with longtime negotiating partners Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell at the helm. Underscoring the flurry of activity, another GOP aide said the two men had conversations at 12:45 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday.
An agreement on the proposed deal would also shield Medicare doctors from a 27 percent cut in fees and extend tax credits for research and development, as well as renewable energy.
The deal would also extend for five years a series of tax credits meant to lessen the financial burden on poorer and middle-class families, including one credit that helps people pay for college.
The deal would achieve about $600 billion in new revenue, the officials said.
Despite the progress in negotiations, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warned that time was running out to finalize the deal.
"Americans are still threatened with a tax hike in just a few hours," said Reid, D-Nev., as the Senate began an unusual New Year's Eve session.
Liberal Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, took to the Senate floor after Reid to warn Democratic bargainers against lowering levies on large inherited estates and raising the income threshold at which higher tax rates would kick in.
"No deal is better than a bad deal. And this look like a very bad deal the way this is shaping up," said Harkin.
Letting tax rates rise for couples with incomes of $450,000 a year is a concessions for Obama, who campaigned for re-election on a pledge to set the levels at $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples. It also marked a significant concession by Republican leaders who pledged to continue the George W. Bush-era tax cuts for all income earners. .
The hope of the White House and lawmakers was to seal an agreement, enact it and send it to Obama for his signature before taxpayers felt the impact of higher income taxes or federal agencies began issuing furloughs or taking other steps required by spending cuts.
Regardless of the fate of the negotiations, it appeared all workers would experience a cut in their take-home pay with the expiration of a two-year cut in payroll taxes.
In a move that was sure to irritate Republicans, Reid was planning — absent a deal — to force a Senate vote Monday on Obama's campaign-season proposal to continue expiring tax cuts for all but those with income exceeding $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples.
As the New Year's Eve deadline rapidly approached, Democrats and Republicans found themselves at odds over a host of issues, including taxing large inherited estates. Republicans wanted the tax left at its current 35 percent, with the first $5.1 million excluded, while Democrats wanted the rate increased to 45 percent with a smaller exclusion.
The two sides were also apart on how to keep the alternative minimum tax from raising the tax bills of nearly 30 million middle-income families and how to extend tax breaks for research by business and other activities.
Republicans were insisting that budget cuts be found to pay for some of the spending proposals Democrats were pushing.
These included proposals to erase scheduled defense and domestic cuts exceeding $200 billion over the next two years and to extend unemployment benefits. Republicans complained that in effect, Democrats would pay for that spending with the tax boosts on the wealthy.
"We can't use tax increases on anyone to pay for more spending," said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas.

The tallest buildings in India revealed

Standing tall at 254 metres (833 ft), the 61-floored Imperial Tower (I & II) are the tallest buildings in India. The Imperial is a twin-tower residential skyscraper complex in Mumbai that were the tallest buildings in the country till June 2012 when Palais Royale topped out. The towers are located at the sea front in Tardeo, South Mumbai. Construction was completed and the towers were inaugurated in 2010. 
Tallest Building 
Palais Royale is still under construction – it is a skyscraper located on the land previously owned by Shree Ram Mills Ltd. in Lower Parel, Mumbai. The luxury building has 100 apartments with areas of 8,700 square feet (810 m2) and 14,000 square feet. With a floor plate of 500,000 square feet, the premises will have amenities like a cinema house, spa, cricket pitch, badminton court, football pitch and three swimming pools. It has 88 lakh square feet of total residential space.
The tallest buildings in India revealed 
Lodha Bellissimo is a tower currently topped out located in Mumbai, India. With a height of 222 meters (728 ft), the expected floor count is 53 floors. The construction is expected to be completed by late 2012. 
The tallest buildings in India revealed 
Vivarea (Towers 1, 2 and 3) in Mumbai stand at 200 metres (656 ft) tall and boast 45 floors.The 193m (633 ft) tall Ashok Towers D (pictured) in Mumbai has 49 floors.
India Tallest towers 
With 40 floors and a height of 191 metres (627 ft) The Ruby in Mumbai comes in next. Orchid Woods (1, 2 and 3) share the next spot with a height of 190 metres (623 ft). The buildings have 55 floors each. Urmi Estate in Mumbai has a height of 182 metres (597 ft) and boasts 45 floors.
Pictured left: Planet Godrej is located in South Mumbai on plot of 9-acre (3.6 ha) at Mahalaxmi, Mumbai. Planet Godrej is one of the tallest towers in India. The tower is 181 m (594 ft) and 51 floors high.
The tallest buildings in India revealed 

Three buildings share the same ranking at 15, 16 and 17. Sunshine Tower (40 floors)and Imperial Heights (1 and 2) in Mumbai share the same height of 180 metres (591 ft).
The tallest buildings in India revealed 
At Rank 18, is perhaps the most-talked about buildings in recent times. Antilia (pictured) is the 27-floor personal home in South Mumbai belonging to businessman Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries. According to some media reports, a full-time staff of 600 maintains the residence, reportedly the most expensive home in the world. The building is named after the mythical Atlantic island of Antillia.
The Antilia building is situated on an ocean-facing 4,532 square metres (48,780 sq ft) plot at Altamount Road, Cumballa Hill, South Mumbai.
The tallest buildings in India revealed 

At No 19 is 36-floored Vasant Grandeur (172 metres or 564 ft ) in Mumbai, followed by Raheja Legend (167 metres). It is followed by Springs (160 metres) and the 160-m Rustomjee Elanza (1, 2 & 3) - Pictured).
tallest buildings 
At No. 25 is the 158-metre tall RNA Mirage (pictured)
The tallest buildings in India revealed 
At no. 26 is Tabrez Tower, with a height of 158 metres (518 ft) and 45 floors.
The Mumbai World Trade Centre (pictured) (Rank 27) in Cuffe Parade was built in 1970. It consists of two towers, MRVDC and IDBI. MRVDC was, at 156m, the tallest building in South Asia until the 2010 completion of The Imperial, Mumbai (252m).
(AFP Images)
The tallest buildings in India revealed 
Ranked at No. 28 is Shangri La in Mumbai . It stands 155 metres (509 ft) tall and has 40 floors.
Shreepati Arcade (pictured) is 153 metres (502 ft) tall, with 45 floors to boast.
And finally, at No. 30 is Vasant Polaris in Mumbai standing 151 metres (495 ft) tall and 30 floors to show.
Dear reader, if you know of any other buildings that challenge or are in the process of challenging these, please update us by posting a comment on any of the slides. Thank you.

The 16 Smartest People on Earth

IQ is a problematic measure of intelligence. Many have never been tested, while others have taken the test many times to improve their scores. Still, psychologists consider it the best measurement of intelligence out there.
So who has the highest score?
The World Genius Directory, created by Dr. Jason Betts, is a fluid list of the world's top mind compiled from certified IQ tests sent in by listees. Betts says his site is the definitive ranking.
"Other [IQ] websites had existed, and some still do, but they are based and limited by local constraints, for example, written in Spanish, for Europeans only, only accept their friends' tests, and so on," Betts told us in an email. The directory "has no preferences nor bias, except test quality." 
The average score on an IQ test is 100. Most people fall within the 85 to 114 range. Any score over 140 is considered a high IQ. A score over 160 is considered a genius IQ.
If you're wondering, Betts includes himself on the directory. His IQ is 168.
16. Ivan Ivec has an IQ of 169
Ivec specializes in high end IQ tests, competitions and statistics. He's a member of Croatia's MENSA and teaches advanced mathematics.
Ivec has puzzle competitions and other tests of academic strength on his website.
Courtesy: Gaetano Morelli
15. Gaetano Morelli has an IQ of 169
Gaetano, called "Tany" for short, is an engineer at an Italian firm and the author of a book about Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
He's a member of at least 20 high IQ societies and founded his own, the STHIQ.
His hobbies include bridge, chess and fishing.
14. Jorge del Fresno Viejo has an IQ of 170
Jorge is a member of several IQ societies including Morelli's STHIQ society, the Universal Genius Society and Epida.
(Photo not available.)


13. Mick Dempsey has an IQ of 171
Dempsey has a degree in forensic psychology from London Metropolitan University. He is a youth support worker at Hertfordshire County Council, according to his LinkedIn profile.
Dempsey also enjoys jazz, Faulkner, the Everton soccer club and films including Pulp Fiction, according to his Facebook page.
12. Marc Nydegger has an IQ 171
The 20-year-old prodigy from Fribourg, Switzerland is a scientist and video game designer, according to his profile at Hall of the Ancients.
The profile says his favorite food is "knowledge" and his favorite drink is "intelligence."
11. Santanu Sengupta has an IQ of 174
Sengupta holds an an MBA and bachelor's in Aerospace engineering.
When he's not working the equity property desk for a financial services firm, the 34-year-old enjoys traveling, stimulating discussions, solving puzzles and good food. Sengupta's favorite drink, by the way, is vodka.
10. Vedran Glisic has an IQ of 175
Gilsic, who hails from Bosnia and Herzegovinia, enjoys experimental music, mathematics and chess compositions.
You can check out some his own mixes on ReverbNation.
9. Peter Rodgers has an IQ of 175
The 58-year-old author, physicist and poet has written more than 3,000 poems and published books on emotion, schizophrenia and Albert Einstein.
Rodgers, who earned his bachelor's in Mathematics at the University of Queensland, suffers from dyslexia and epilepsy, but still managed to do well in school. 
The poetic genius also hosts his own YouTube channel where he posts creative videos of his poems, music and information on his books.
8. Tadayuki Konno has an IQ of 176
Konno, 39, currently lives in Sakata-shi, Yamagata, Japan. The self-described visionary lists his hobbies on his Facebook page as "making kaibun (Japanese Palindrome), listening to music, watching movies, reading manga comics and novels."
He is a member of the Mysterium Society and the HELLIQ Society.
7. Lee HanKyung has an IQ of 177
South Korean
Lee Hankyung, from Daejon, South Korea, is currently a medical student. The 27-year-old is a member of at least five high IQ societies, including Mensa Korea and OLYMPIQ High IQ Society. 

6. Tim Roberts has an IQ of 178
Roberts is a professor and the head of the computer science department at Central Queensland University in Australia. His favorite subjects to teach include operating systems, artificial intelligence, and programming.
Before turning to teaching, Roberts worked as a software consultant.

5. Patrick Zimmerschied has an IQ of 178
The 30-year-old currently studies philosophy and political science at the Darmstadt University of Technology, after dropping out of school at age 18. 
He has written books and enjoys writing poetry in his spare time.
4. Kenneth Ferrell has an IQ of 190
Ferrell is a practicing physician in Charlotte, N.C. He is a member of various elite IQ societies, including the Epimethius Society and the Order of Imhotep.
The 52-year-old told us that "IQ tests" have become a fun hobby for him over the last five years and he even created verbal and numerical IQ tests of his own: QUINTIQ and 12354.
3. Mislav Predavec has an IQ of 192
Nationality: Croatian
Currently a math professor in Croatia's capital of Zagreb, the 45-year-old is also an owner and director of a small trade company.
Predavec is the founder and president of the elite GenerIQ society, which lists Ivec and Ferrell as members.
His Facebook page mentions that he liked Pink Floyd, Mafia Wars, Leonardo Di Vinci and Gloria magazine.
2. Rick Rosner has an IQ of 192
The world's second smartest man is one of the more colorful characters on the list. He has written for various TV shows, was a contestant on "Who Want To Be A Millionaire," and spent many years as a bar bouncer, stripper and nude model.
The 54-year-old, who currently lives in Los Angeles, recently told The Daily that he sometimes stays up 20 hours a day to finish IQ tests in a bid to knock his Greek competitor out of the top spot.
1. Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis has an IQ of 198
The smartest man in the world is a Greek psychiatrist who also holds degrees in philosophy, medical research technology and psychopharmacology.
Katsioulis, 36, also enjoys painting, swimming and traveling.